Very good information, solarwinds was an attack that surprised and shocked many of us. That is why to prevent this I recommend to learn about cybersecurity, I recommend https://demyo.com/

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For me, your thinking chimed some ivory. No player but idly interested in the venepuncture of life. Solarwinds Sunburst and let the adventure begin but I discovered already what I suspected and it chimes ivory with chiming ivory.

Naming convention is inane until ships like this set sail - https://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/53340.power-bi-exploring-sunburst-visual.aspx

My assessment. Counter intelligence. Chaos is sown.

What's interesting is the counter chaos which could not and cannot ever see lights of midnight.

Microsoft Sunburst visuals. The goose is a goat. Microsoft freeware on the Git.

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If this were to be seen as a justification for war, how should the opposition respond to Stuxnet, Crypto AG, PRISM etc?

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